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Speaking with Influence
Effective leadership hinges on communication in every scenario. Municipal Clerks face unique challenges in connecting and fostering trust with diverse audiences. Whether delivering impactful presentations to a council or commission, engaging with stakeholders, or rallying community support, in this webinar you will explore strategies for connecting authentically. Unlock the power of your voice through the art of public speaking, therefore empowering you to lead with influence.
Stress Management and Your Health
Almost anyone will reveal they have enough stress to go around in the workplace, and in their personal lives as well. Finding ways during the workday to minimize stressful situations is key to staying focused on the organizational big picture and daily details. This webinar will provide science-based information for effective stress reduction and help you understand the physiology of stress and its impact on you, identify key stressors in the workplace (what are the triggers), recognize how neuroscience helps with stress reduction and identify methods for long-term results stress management.
Special Elections & Recalls
This informative webinar is focused on the intricacies of Special Elections and Recalls in Florida. This webinar is designed specifically for Municipal Clerks, and anyone interested in understanding the procedures and implications of special elections and recalls within your jurisdiction. Topics covered include an overview of key statutes and legal considerations, discussion of the various types of special elections (including impact of last-minute annexations, charter amendments and vacancies) in addition to insights, strategies and practical knowledge for navigating special elections and recalls effectively.
Cybersecurity in Municipalities
Awareness of basic cyber threat essentials will continue to evolve, and continuous application of security measures and practices will continue to grow as cyber threats evolve. Local governments and municipalities continue to be high-level targets for cybercriminals, so it is imperative to protect your organization from intruders and assist in reducing cyberattacks. This webinar familiarizes participants with the basics of cyberattack identification to protect a work environment from internet intrusion from cyberattacks. Cybersecurity for municipalities and governments focuses on addressing these increasing cybersecurity threats and challenges. As a frontline worker, our responsibility is to recognize common cyberattack scenarios as they present themselves and conduct proper data control techniques to minimize their impact. This webinar covers common cybersecurity threats, such as phishing, known email scans, password security, scareware, ransomware, different types of viruses and malware, and social engineering, along with best practices with techniques and tips to prevent your municipality or public sector institution from outside intrusion and interference.
The Nuts & Bolts of the New Form 6 & E-Filing
Do you or your elected and appointed officials have questions about the new Form 6 and Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System (EFDMS)? As a Florida Municipal Clerk, you want to know everything you can about the topic so you can assist your candidates, public officials and your municipality. Instructor Lynn Blais, Chief Administrator, Florida Commission on Ethics, and co-creator of the new EFDMS system, will walk you through everything you wanted to know but didn’t know whom to ask about Form 6, Public Disclosure of Financial Interests and E-Filing.
Disaster Recovery in the Digital Age
Speaker Archie Matthews (a Florida Records Management Association Board Member and the Retired Chief of the Bureau of Records for Alachua County Clerk of Court) will share his expertise and real-life experiences in the Florida public records management arena. He has over 25 years of experience and will discuss current threats, the 5 P Rule and the essential steps in any disaster recovery plan.
Essential Records, Disaster Mitigation
FACC Webinar: Essential Records, Disaster Mitigation and Recovery. This webinar will discuss relevant terms and elements of an Essential Records Program and offer general information on disaster mitigation, planning and response as it pertains to public records. The material draws from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Essential Records Guide and other resources.
Drafting Municipal Ordinances & Resolutions
Florida Law & Drafting Municipal Ordinances & Resolutions. In this webinar, Attorneys Seth Claytor and John Murphy will expand on the historical and legal precedents for the authority delegated to municipal governments to create ordinances and resolutions, including Dillon’s Law, Home Rule and the Florida Statutes. Examples of specific ordinances and resolutions will be discussed, including law and intent, along with general drafting requirements.
Parliamentary Procedure for Meetings
Join us to explore why you should consider parliamentary procedure for your meetings and how it can support your attendees and improve deliberations. We'll discuss selecting a parliamentary authority, practice frequently used motions and encouraging responsible use of parliamentary concepts and foundational principles.
Elections - Legislative Changes & Rules Update
Join us for an update from the Department of State, Division of Elections, on recent legislative changes to Florida’s election laws, rules updates, basics of qualifying and campaign finance, and changes/updates to forms and publications.
Best Practices for Charter Reviews
Join your colleagues for a panel discussion on municipal best practices for charter review. The discussion will include the appointment and staffing of charter review committees (CRC), charter resources, statewide statistics from FLC on charter contents and much more.
Legal Advertising
Legal Advertising: Challenges for Municipal Clerks. Do you know the difference between legal advertising and public notice requirements? Is this a trick question? Find out these answers by taking this webinar. This newly updated webinar will cover the basics of legal advertising requirements, including ordinances, elections and variances, and will also include any legislative changes that have occurred since the last FACC webinar offered on this topic (It’s a Mad, Mad Ad World in 2017). Special advertising requirements for items like comp plan amendments, annexations, mass re-zonings, and TRIM notices will also be discussed, along with solutions to common problems that can and do occur.
New Council & Candidate Orientations
Back by popular request, this fresh look at new council and candidate orientations will mix national best practices with real-world experience and increase your odds of success for that one chance to make a great first impression! Panelists will discuss when orientations can and should occur, what topics can be covered verbally and in other formats, and practical tips for being part of outstanding orientations (whether you help to conduct them, help to prepare them or you work with those who do). Discussion will include a Q&A session as well.
Social Media & Municipal Records Mgmt Programs
FACC Webinar: Social Media & Municipal Records Management Programs For the past decade, governmental agencies have raced to implement social media platforms for public communication. Today, nearly every municipal government utilizes a variety of social media tools, from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram. As a result, new challenges have emerged in the management of this information as a public record. This session explores social media as a public record and how this important tool fits into a municipality’s records management program. Topics to be discussed include, records program requirements, resulting challenges, policy development, elected official usage, and records retention.
Public Records Case Law
Frequently, courts are called on to determine the appropriate application of Florida’s public records laws when the text of a statute does not provide a clear answer. Public records cases are litigated in Florida’s trial courts every day, and some result in decisions from higher courts that give meaning and contour to those statutes. Many of these decisions help to guide lawful and appropriate responses to future public records requests by providing clarity and predictability when similar factual circumstances present themselves. On the other hand, some decisions create confusion and unpredictability. In both cases, municipal clerks must be aware of the present state of the case law in order to effectively discharge their duties as records custodians. This webinar discusses the most important decisions recently issued by Florida courts in the area of public records law and how those decisions will affect municipal clerks moving forward.
Social Media and Content for Accessibility
What is digital accessibility and ADA compliance? How do you break down the barriers and provide equal access to all the digital information your constituents need through your social media outlets? In an effort to provide guidance on these important questions, this webinar will offer guidelines and practical strategies for a better understanding of digital inclusion and help ensure you are able to comply with the ADA by eliminating communication barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating fully in government programs and informational services. Guidelines and practical strategies for posting accessible content online will include the following topics: Developing accessible social media posts across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn; learning how to write and publish accessible blog posts; understanding how to prepare accessible podcasts and videos and creating accessible infographics.
Creating and Remediating Microsoft Word
Our “Accessibility” Subject Matter Expert Stacey Rayos is back and will deliver a multi-level, step-by-step webinar on how to make your Microsoft Word documents accessible for all users. Content creators, co-workers, educators, etc. are responsible for the Word Documents they create. Word Document accessibility is crucial for customers, co-workers, or students with disabilities. The good news is that editing Word Documents for accessibility is a relatively non-technical process and can make a big impact. In this live webinar, Stacey will review key topics such as: headings, fonts, color contrast, and appearance; tables, charts, graphs; image alt text and long descriptions; using accessibility checkers and exporting to other formats (HTML, PDF).
Creating & Remediating PDF Documents for ADA
Our Accessibility Subject Matter Expert Stacey Rayos will deliver a multi-level, step-by-step webinar on how to make your Adobe documents accessible for all users. We will create a new PDF document from MS Word and then edit existing PDF documents to make them accessible, one step at a time. Topics include: starting from scratch: where do we begin, making it accessible from the beginning: what can we do right away, convertin word to PDF, reviewing PDF Documents for Accessibility, making existing documents accessible: or deciding to start over, how to avoid common pdf issues and knowing when to ask for help.
Creating & Remediating Excel Documents for ADA
Take a deep-dive, step-by-step webinar on how to make your Excel spreadsheets accessible for all users and persons with disabilities. Tables (aka Excel!) are among the more complex features to make compliant; during this session students will learn techniques for tagging, creating, exporting and saving ADA friendly Excel files. As an overarching theme, we will discuss how to approach your data with accessibility in mind so that it is easily understandable, navigable, and readable for anyone who might want to enjoy or use your content.
Making Your Documents ADA Compliant
Accessibility Subject Matter Expert Stacey Rayos will light the path to document accessibility under section 508 and WCAG. This live video presentation will cover remediation tactics, test tools and checkers, source file management and export procedures. Hands-on remediation of example member documents (including Word, PDF and Excel) will demonstrate real work-life scenarios. This nuts and bolts training will be delivered with an overarching focus on the current legal landscape, member responsibilities and guidance on creating a policy for your organization. Students will leave equipped with skills for managing accessible documents, with expert instruction on the following topics: Microsoft Word: Creating, Updating and Testing Adobe PDF: Converting from MS Word, Updating and Testing Microsoft Excel: Making Accessible Tables, Testing and Inline vs. Online Do’s & Don’ts: Making Sure It’s Usable Accessibility Statements and Documenting Your Progress Preparing for Big Changes and Recognizing When It’s Time to Outsource Helpful Resources
Grant Writing for Municipal Clerks
This training is designed as a comprehensive overview of the grant-seeking process. As a condensed version of a graduate course on grant writing, discussion will examine how to search for funding opportunities, how to ensure that a project fits with a funder’s priorities, and how to write a grant proposal (including the problem statement, goals and objectives, project description, project management plan, timeline, sustainability plan, evaluation and budget).
TRIM (Truth in Millage) Compliance-Update2019
FACC Webinar: TRIM (Truth in Millage) Compliance (Update 2019). The TRIM (Truth in Millage) process can be very confusing and the forms are often difficult to complete. Some city clerks have a finance department that takes care of this, but others in smaller municipalities do not…so the clerks are ultimately responsible for maintaining compliance. This workshop, led by professional staff from the Florida Department of Revenue, will provide essential information and instructions to city clerks on how to comply with the statutory requirements of TRIM including: Millage rates and budgets; TRIM forms, processes and timelines; maximum millage limitations; TRIM advertising requirements; resolutions/ordinances; electronic TRIM submission; and the “Do’s and Don’ts" of Trim submissions. Participants will also be provided with a detailed TRIM Compliance Workbook with written instructions.
Essential Florida History
Rated as one of our most popular workshops ever, we asked Ms. Tipton to share her presentation on Essential Florida History via live webinar so more of you could enjoy and learn these essential facts about our beloved state. Beyond her encyclopedic knowledge and masterful storytelling ability, Lynn understands that Florida's citizens are better consumers of government services and smarter voters when they know a little history. Smarter citizens are essential to strong local governments. This quick, lively and fun webinar will give you the key essentials and historic context you need to build better orientation sessions for your municipality's new employees and for candidates, and it just might help you be a better Floridian in the process!
Hiring a Great Team
Supervisors all know that hiring is hard - it's hard to attract the right candidates, it's hard to find the time to do interviews and check references, and it's hard to make the final decision on which candidate will be the best asset to your team. What a lot of supervisors do not realize is that it can also be a legal minefield, where the intersection of a plethora of state and federal laws require supervisors to tread very carefully. In this training, attorney Allison Osborn D'Amour will teach you how to navigate this legal landscape and come out on the other side with a great new asset to your team.
Minutes - Best Practices
When are they required? Should your minutes be verbatim or summary? Do you provide a draft copy of your minutes? Do all minutes need to be approved? This session will address these questions, provide legal answers and engage the group in a discussion of local practices and procedures. This session will also provide an overview of cases addressing the "minutes" requirement under Florida law and some common pitfalls to avoid. You will leave with a solid understanding of when minutes are required and what they should contain.
Florida's Government in the Sunshine Laws
Open government is a longstanding tradition in Florida, which arguably has the strongest laws in the United States. This two-hour webinar will provide attendees with critical insight into Florida's Sunshine and Public Records Laws, including the reasons why the law supports the public's right of access to governmental meetings and records; who is subject to these laws; what qualifies as a meeting or public record; procedural requirements; exemptions and penalties for failure to comply. While this presentation will cover a lot of information; there will be ample opportunity for participants to ask questions and get feedback.
Campaign Finance and Candidate Qualifying
Municipal clerks are frequently asked questions about campaign finance and candidate qualifying. This webinar brings together a dynamic panel of election law experts who will provide information on the law, best practices and practical experiences. The session will help attendees navigate through issues such as candidate and political entity campaign finance reports, political advertisements, review of qualifying documents and responsibility of filing officers.
10 Things Every Clerk Should Know
Municipal professionals strive to remember everything - but that isn’t always possible. This workshop will share facts, philosophies and best practices from a panel of your colleagues with a wide variety of backgrounds, experience, tenure and population size. Moderator: Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM, Executive Director, Center for Florida Local Government Excel
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Why is it that some people find it easy to solve tough problems with simple solutions while others find this feat nearly impossible? The answer is not always found through creativity or intellect - often our ability to search for and find facts that relate to the situation, and put them together in ways that work, becomes our biggest asset. Tapping into the knowledge of others (staff, colleagues, family, or friends) can expand the range of solutions available. This webinar provides awareness of problem solving steps/tools; helps one distinguish root causes from symptoms to identify the right solution for the right problem; identifies individual problem solving styles; helps one think creatively and work towards creative solutions; and outlines the top ten rules of good decision-making.
It's a Mad, Mad, Ad World!
Do you struggle with the stress of not knowing if you advertised something correctly? Are you certain of the advertising requirements for those things that only happen "once in a while"? Well, if you answered yes to either of these questions, then this webinar is just the one you need! This webinar will cover the special advertising requirements for items like comp plan amendments, annexations, mass re-zonings, TRIM notices and possible solutions to the problems that can and do occur when good ads go bad.
Best Practices in Cemetery Management
Tom Wheatley, City of Lakeland’s Superintendent of Cemeteries and his Accounting Clerk, Cathy Marrino, review best practices of cemetery management. Included: deciphering hand-written records; burial rights and ownership; how to deal with clerical errors; cemetery trust funds; flat- versus tiered-rates; cemetery deeds (city issued original, special warranty, quitclaim, corrective, and duplicative); enforcement of rules and regulations (changing the code, special master or code enforcement board, bag and tag program); modern memorial parks; cemeteries and the national register of historic places; abandonment (Securing & Maintaining; Presumption of Abandonment, Section 497.286. F.S.); and digitization of records.
Advanced Workplace Communication Strategies
With the demands of today's fast paced, intensive, multi-tasking work environment, the need for professional precision in how we communicate has never been higher. Learning to develop and sharpen the skills and techniques in how we communicate requires a deeper look into several issues and will ultimately result in more successful communications within the workplace, both personally and professionally. Learn key techniques and skills necessary to develop these advanced communication strategies, which will also enhance your leadership presence and effectiveness.
Practical Strategies for Records Management
One of the City Clerk’s most important responsibilities is responding to public records requests for e-mail records, which currently requires a lot of searching and redaction time. Although there is no “magic bullet,” this webinar will cover important tips and techniques to better organize your email for more efficient responses. Other vital topics included in this discussion will be the latest on public records retention issues (retaining what’s needed; discarding what’s not), search tips, classification tips, and archiving methods.
Orientations-Set the Impression, Build
FACC Webinar: Orientations: Set the Impression, Build the Foundation. Whether you help to conduct orientations, help to prepare them or you work with those who do, this webinar will help you make a great first impression, even in high-expectation situations. You'll learn when orientations can and should occur, what topics can be covered verbally and in other formats, and practical tips for being part of outstanding orientations.
Local Government Home Rule and Charters
In this webinar, a panel of local government attorneys in Florida explain the processes and methodologies involved in "home rule" and charters. Information includes: the definition of home rule; what Florida cities did before home rule; the benefits and limitations of home rule; charter language best practices; legal considerations involved in amending a city charter; and methodologies involving charter review commissions, citizen petitions, and initiatives from the city’s governing body.
Business Tax Receipts
This informative webinar covers all aspects of Chapter 205 of the Florida Statues, known as the Local Business Tax Act, related to business tax receipts. Frequently used terms and phrases are defined, and many useful resources are shared in this session.
TRIM (Truth in Millage) Compliance
This TRIM (Truth in Millage) workshop, led by professional staff from the Florida Department of Revenue, provides essential information and instructions to clerks on how to comply with the statutory requirements of TRIM including: Millage rates and budgets; TRIM forms, processes and timelines; maximum millage limitations; TRIM advertising requirements; resolutions/ordinances; and electronic TRIM submission.
Public Records Requests
Whether you are a new or an experienced City Clerk, dealing with public records requests can be a challenging and time-consuming task. This webinar offers practical hands-on information designed to help clerks deal with the public records issues we all face on a daily basis. Topics include fees, time for response, tips for avoiding litigation, redaction, and when and who to ask for assistance and guidance.
Advisory Board
Advisory Board fundamentals are reviewed in this two-hour webinar. Topics include: the role and responsibilities of board members; when boards and committes are appropriate ; welection of advisory board members ; relationships between board, staff and elected officials; techniques for managing meetings; and how roles effect the dynamics of every group.
Political Commitees and Electioneering
Everything you need to know about political committees and electionering communications, presented by the State Division of Elections.
This presentation informs participants about the major laws governing medical information that we may gather and retain as it relates to employees. Applicability of HIPAA, the type of medical information that is exempt from public disclosure under FMLA, and workers’ compensation and the ADA are reviewed, as well as nuances and interactions among and between HIPAA, FMLA, workers’ compensation and the ADA. Participants should conclude this session with a better understanding of the interplay among these laws as well as the organization’s obligations regarding the type of medical information gathered through internal administration of these laws.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
This webinar will address sexual harassment in the workplace and the perspectives of both employees and employers. Keith L. Hammond, Esq. explains how to identify sexual harassment in the workplace; unique issues in the public employment sector and working with elected officials; how to avoid harm as an employee by preventing harassment and responding appropriately if subjected to harassment; and how to minimize liability as an employer by investigating complaints of harassment and evaluating how to remediate inappropriate conduct in the workplace.
Florida Notary Law
In this two-hour webinar, the American Society of Notaries’ Kathleen Butler shares how notaries can navigate such tricky situations and perform expert notarizations that comply with Florida’s notary laws and rules. The session will include a review of authorized duties; the importance of recordkeeping; an overview of information about electronic notarization; facilitating impaired or physically unable signers; handling incomplete and foreign language documents; working with signers lacking satisfactory identification; handling situations of coercion to act improperly.
Advanced Elections Law 2013 Legislative Update
In this webinar, a dynamic panel of experts provide information on legalities surrounding updates on the law from the 2013 Legislative Session dealing with referendums, recounts, annexation, special elections, responsibilities of the qualifying officers, advertisements, etc. Also, election timetables, advertising, procedures and how to navigate through problematic issues are examined, with a question-and-answer session prior to the end of the webinar. Clerks who are responsible for elections in the State of Florida are encouraged to view this webinar.
Financial Transparency
It is often said that perception is reality. While this may or may not be true, a lack of information can create a perception that something is being hidden and erode trust in local government. One way to deal with this perception is transparency. Transparency at its core calls for providing accurate and timely information. Transparency can build public trust in its local government and promote stronger communities. Panelists: Jonathan Lewis; City Manager; City of North Port.
Succession Planning
Succession planning not only prepares employees to compete for future promotional opportunities, but also enhances employees in their current position, and gives employees the confidence to apply for key positions when they become available. Hear real-world stories about how to plan for staff leadership changes in this webinar. Panelists: Bruce Koeser; Human Resources Director; City of Delray Beach. Sharon L’Herrou; Administrative Officer; City of Delray Beach Police Department. Rick Caldwell, M.Ed.; CEO of RCultures Inc / Dot Bast; Training and Development Manager, City of Delray Beach.
Email Management Part 2
This is the second of two webinars in our e-mail management series. Topics include: recommendations for creating a compliant and comprehensive e-mail management policy for your municipality; strategies for managing e-mail retention and data storage options; fulfilling records requests for archived e-mail; process auditing; how cities without e-mail servers/smart phones (i.e. using yahoo, AOL, etc.) can manage their records; and training tips. Panelists: Don Dennis; Information Technology Manager; City of Clermont. Lawrence T. DiGioia; Director of Information Services; City of Altamonte Springs.
Email Management Part 1
This is the first of two webinars in our e-mail management series. Topics include: recommendations for creating a compliant and comprehensive e-mail management policy for your municipality; strategies for cultivating relationships with IT, management and legal to ensure project buy-in and success; delegating end-user responsibility; designating an official electronic record and who is responsible for it; differences between backup and archives; use of personal e-mail accounts/smart phones; what to look for in e-mail management software or systems; and how to train users. Panelists: Don Dennis; Information Technology Manager; City of Clermont. Lawrence T. DiGioia; Director of Information Services; City of Altamonte Springs.
Florida Administrative Code
It's essential that all municipal clerks become acquainted with the Florida Administrative Code (FAC). The FAC is a compilation of all administrative regulatory rules of the State of Florida; you could compare them to municipal resolutions or federal regulations. Violation of rules may include penalties for both agencies and members of the public that are regulated by them. In this webinar, you'll learn know how to find rules and navigate the FAC website, understand the complex process of rules creation, and enhance your understanding of the FAC and its important relationship with the office of the municipal clerk. Included is a presentation of FAC rules that affect the municipal clerk in the areas of elections, ethics, notary law and public records. Panelists: Kenneth J. Plante; Coordinator; Joint Administrative Procedures Committee. Liz Cloud; Program Administrator; Florida Administrative Code Weekly. Susan Owens, MMC; Town Clerk; Town of Palm Beach. Abbie Koon; OMC II; Florida Department of State. Cari Brown; AA III; Florida Department of State.
Attorney General Opinions
Clerks are expected to know, analyze and be able to research certain complex legal principles of Florida Statutes - but there's so much more to know, and the Attorney General Opinions can help. This session will enhance your understanding of the importance of the Attorney General’s Office and the critical relationship it has to the office of the municipal clerk. Fundamentals of AGOs, the different types of AGOs, how to/who can request an AGO (not everyone can), how to navigate the attorney general’s website, and how to determine if an AGO has been superseded are covered in this webinar. Also included is a presentation of important AGOs that affect the municipal clerk in the areas of elections, public records, abstention from voting, quorum requirements, dual office holding, and the Sunshine Law. Presenters: Gerry Hammond; Attorney; Florida Office of the Attorney General. Lagran Saunders; Attorney; Florida Office of the Attorney General.
Advanced Elections Law - Recalls, Petitions
FACC Webinar: Advanced Elections Law - Recalls, Petitions & Citizen Initatives. Clerks are receiving more and more inquiries from their municipalities regarding recalls, petitions and citizen initiatives. This session brings together a dynamic panel of experts to provide information on the legalities surrounding these issues. State statutes and compliance are addressed by attorneys from the Florida Department of State (DOS) and Division of Elections, and local supervisors of elections discuss their real-life experiences. Timetables, advertising, procedures and how to navigate through problematic issues are examined, followed by Q & A session. This vital, timely and extremely educational webinar will help you learn how to supervise and conduct recall elections, petitions and citizen initiatives. Moderator: Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM; Executive Director; Center for Florida Local Government Excellence. Panelists: Gary Holland; Assistant General Counsel; Department of State, Division of Elections. Maria Matthews; Assistant General Counsel; Department of State, Division of Elections. Lester Sola; Supervisor of Elections; Miami-Dade Count. Bill Cowles; Supervisor of Elections; Orange County.
Employment Law
Employment law is reviewed in this webinar. Topics include discrimination and harassment; wage and hour, including minimum wage and overtime, social media and electronic communications, wage garnishments, child labor, and whistleblower and retaliation. Presenters: Keith L. Hammond, Esq; Jackson Lewis LLP. Jessica A. DeBono, Esq; Jackson Lewis LLP.
Social Media
In today's world where everyone is electronically connected, virtual messaging is increasingly important. Getting the messages out is one thing, managing them is a whole different challenge. Learn the do's and don'ts of using social media from a local government's perspective. Presenter: Judi Zito; Director, Government Information Center; Miami-Dade County
21st Century Local Government
What is changing the 21st century local government in Florida and how do we respond to these changes? Presenter: Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM; Executive Director; Center for Florida Local Government Excellence.
Statistics for Everyone
This eye-opening session on statistics can help you do your job better. Hear practical examples in local government to understand how statistics can be used to create concrete solutions to everyday decisions. Presenter: Dr. Maureen Berner; Associate Professor, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Government; author of Statistics for Public Administration: Practical Uses for Better Decision Making.
Emails as Public Records
Although most government employees know that emails fall under the Florida Public Records Law - do you know which ones are considered public records and which are considered private according to State guidelines and policies? This FACC sponsored webinar hosts a panel of experts to discuss “Emails as Public Records” from different points of view. Ms. Pat Gleason speaks about recent case law, Attorney General opinions from a legal perspective, and emerging developments in reference to electronic correspondence. Mr. Vincent Edwards explains how to create an organization wide e-mail filing system to identify, maintain, manage, and dispose of public email records. And Ms. Lori Stelzer covers the day-to-day applications of managing email records, including a practical approach on providing training that is useful and organizational specific, and the importance of developing an internal Email Policy. Panelists: Patricia Gleason; Special Counsel for Open Government; Florida Attorney General's Office. Lori Stelzer, MMC; City Clerk; City of Venice.
Elections - The Role of Qualifying Officer
This fast paced webinar with a panel of state and municipal election professionals provides expert information on the roles and responsibilities of the City Clerk as a "Qualifying Officer." Details discussed include specific state statutes designating and defining the duties of the qualifying officer, and the legal and ethical requirements affecting the Clerk’s role in municipal elections. Panelists provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding the qualifying process, including the appropriate level of service/assistance provided to candidates; filing deadlines; petition standards; treasury reports; awareness of campaign fundraising laws; and additional questions from participants.
For City Clerks, interaction with the manager, mayor, and members of the city commission is a daily occurrence. These elected and appointed officials are bound by the State of Florida Ethics Law and local codes of ethics & conduct. As an integral part of the city's management team, City Clerks must also be aware of these laws to avoid ethical conflicts and be proactive to ensure ethics laws are followed. This two-hour webinar will provide practical applications and useful strategies using real-world case studies of local governments recently involved in ethical violations. Moderator: Robert E. Lee, DPA, ICMA-CM; Executive Director; Center for Florida Local Government Excellence. Panelists: Shirley A. Lowrance, MMC; Finance Director/City Clerk; City of Auburndale. Linda R. Clark, MMC; City Clerk; City of Bartow. Mary L. Mercer, CMC; City Clerk; City of Fernandina Beach.
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