List of available recordings

Click the column header to reorder the list. Click the breadcrumb (small arrow) to the left of each recording to see a full description of the information represented in the recording.
Expand CollapseWebinar NameReference Code
10 Things Every Clerk Should KnowFACCWR171130
21st Century Local GovernmentFACCWR101112
Advanced Elections Law - Recalls, PetitionsFACCWR110824
Advanced Elections Law 2013 Legislative UpdateFACCWR130725
Advanced Workplace Communication StrategiesFACCWR161110
Advisory BoardFACCWR150212
Attorney General OpinionsFACCWR111201
Best Practices for Charter ReviewsFACCWR220414
Best Practices in Cemetery ManagementFACCWR170209
Business Tax ReceiptsFACCWR151029
Campaign Finance and Candidate QualifyingFACCWR180222
Creating & Remediating Excel Documents for ADAFACCWR200227
Creating & Remediating PDF Documents for ADAFACCWR200423
Creating and Remediating Microsoft WordFACCWR200813
Cybersecurity in MunicipalitiesFACCWR240425
Disaster Recovery in the Digital AgeFACCWR230803
Drafting Municipal Ordinances & ResolutionsFACCWR230209
Elections - Legislative Changes & Rules UpdateFACCWR220728
Elections - The Role of Qualifying OfficerFACCWR100328
Email Management Part 1FACCWR120727
Email Management Part 2FACCWR120816
Emails as Public RecordsFACCWR100520
Employment LawFACCWR110525
Essential Florida HistoryFACCWR190228
Essential Records, Disaster MitigationFACCWR230413
Financial TransparencyFACCWR130411
Florida Administrative CodeFACCWR120222
Florida Notary LawFACCWR131212
Florida's Government in the Sunshine LawsFACCWR180426
Grant Writing for Municipal ClerksFACCWR190926
Hiring a Great TeamFACCWR181115
It's a Mad, Mad, Ad World!FACCWR170427
Legal AdvertisingFACCWR220224
Local Government Home Rule and ChartersFACCWR160225
Making Your Documents ADA CompliantFACCWR191121
Minutes - Best PracticesFACCWR180830
New Council & Candidate OrientationsFACCWR210819
Orientations-Set the Impression, BuildFACCWR160414
Parliamentary Procedure for MeetingsFACCWR221117
Political Commitees and ElectioneeringFACCWR140731
Practical Strategies for Records ManagementFACCWR160714
Problem Solving and Decision MakingFACCWR170720
Public Records Case LawFACCWR210318
Public Records RequestsFACCWR150423
Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceFACCWR140221
Social MediaFACCWR110316
Social Media & Municipal Records Mgmt ProgramsFACCWR210422
Social Media and Content for AccessibilityFACCWR210121
Speaking with InfluenceFACCWR250206
Special Elections & RecallsFACCWR240822
Statistics for EveryoneFACCWR100826
Stress Management and Your HealthFACCWR241114
Succession PlanningFACCWR121213
The Nuts & Bolts of the New Form 6 & E-FilingFACCWR240208
TRIM (Truth in Millage) ComplianceFACCWR150820
TRIM (Truth in Millage) Compliance-Update2019FACCWR190418

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